Welcome to General Engineering 1004
Dear class,
Please join me in congratulating the winners of this year's SLDP showcase! These teams demonstrated excellence in teamwork and innovation this fall.
First Place
RAD35: Minnie Zhang and Braden Ou
Second Place
RAD03: Aneka Tahsin, Andrew Jin, Jisun Zaman, and William Zhang
First Place
HIR65: Eileen Dong, Wookie Hyun, Samira Jahan, and Taso Lafazanidis
Second Place
HIR62: Munira Albinali, Georga Husack, and Taylor Pallia
Congratulations once again to our winners and all teams who participated in the showcase. We are very proud of your accomplishments!!
Prof. Paredes
Dear class,
I hope you had a great weekend! Congratulations once again on all your hard work this semester. :)
This is a reminder that today is the SLDP showcase! Join us in Pfizer Auditorium from 12:30-2 PM and cheer on your classmates as they compete for our Gunter Georgi and Nick Russo awards, for excellence in teamwork and innovation!
Prof. Paredes
Dear class,
Happy last week of EG! I really enjoyed speaking with many of you at Monday's poster session, and I am sure you are excited to wrap up your projects this semester.
As you all know, during the session, a select number of teams competed for slots in our semester oral presentation showcase. We are pleased to announce the following teams will advance to the showcase:
- RAD03: Aneka Tahsin, Andrew Jin, Jisun Zaman, and William Zhang
- RAD13: David Chauca, Anika Shah, Philip Varata, and Emily Tong
- RAD35: Minnie Zhang and Braden Ou
- RAD47: Ryaan Dewan, Anushka Junnarkar, Florian Kirsch, and Sarah Saavedra
- HIR62: Munira Albinali, Georga Husack, and Taylor Pallia
- HIR65: Eileen Dong, Wookie Hyun, Samira Jahan, and Taso Lafazanidis
- HIR77: Nina Curtis, Paola Cayo, Noah Jacinto, and Adithya Renjit
These teams will compete for the Gunter Georgi Award and Nick Russo Award, each of which recognizes student teams for their teamwork and innovation this semester. We hope that you will join us in recognizing your peers by attending the showcase on Monday, 12/9 in Pfizer Auditorium from 12:30 - 2 PM!
Prof. Paredes
Hi all,
We're all setup in the MakerSpace EventSpace! Make sure you check in by the entrance, and see you soon!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class,
A reminder that your SLDP posters are due TONIGHT by 11:59 PM ET via this Google Form.
While classes are not in session this week, Open Lab and the MakerSpace are operating on modified schedules. Please refer to the following web pages for these hours.
Open Lab: https://eg.poly.edu/syllabus.php
MakerSpace: https://makerspace.engineering.nyu.edu/
Thank you and happy holidays! See you all soon,
Prof. Paredes
Hello all,
This is a reminder that Open Lab will be operating on a modified schedule for the week of Thanksgiving (November 25- December 1). Please note that we will be closed on Thursday November 28. For specific timings, please refer to the Syllabus/Schedules tab on the website and plan your visits accordingly!
We hope you're staying warm, and wish you the best of luck as you wrap up your SLDPs!
The General Engineering Team
Hi class,
I hope you are doing well. Please find here FAQs from the poster workshop on Monday; thank you to those who came with questions!
Please submit your posters using this Google Form. As listed on the schedule, posters are due by Monday, 11/25 at 11:59 PM ET. Poster files must be a pdf 24'' x 36'' in size.
If you have any questions, please let us know by contacting research@eg.poly.edu. We look forward to seeing your posters - best of luck on those of you commissioning this week!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class,
I hope you all had a good weekend!
Today's poster workshop will be held today, 11/18, via Zoom from 12:30 - 2 PM. Attendance is optional - feel free to pop into the Zoom room to ask questions about the poster session, get feedback on your poster drafts, or co-work on the assignment!
Here is the Zoom link information:
Meeting ID: 601 389 4019
As a reminder, your SLDP poster will be due on Monday, 11/25, at 11:59 PM ET.
- Prof. Paredes
Dear class,
We recognize that there is an error on the website that lists the comissioning deadline to be your Model Shop 5 date instead of Model Shop 4. Commissioning is due next week during Model Shop 4, as listed on your section schedules. We apologize for the confusion and have alerted our web team of this issue. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Prof. Paredes
Dear class,
As we discussed in lecture today - our program is happy to announce our end-of-semester events celebrating the work that you have put into your semester long design projects!
Poster Session: All students are required to submit and present a poster on their SLDP project on Monday, December 2, 2024 from 12:30 - 1:50 PM in the MakerSpace EventSpace.
We will communicate expectations for the posters this week in recitation, as you all will practice creating an academic poster using your results from Lab 10.
Additionally, we will also host an optional poster making workshop on Monday, 11/18 from 12:30 - 1:50 PM in RH303C. I will send out a reminder e-mail closer to the date. This will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and get feedback on any drafts of your poster.
Submission guidelines for your SLDP posters will follow.
If you would like for your poster to be considered for the SLDP Showcase, which is an oral presentation showcase held on Monday, 12/9, please see below for more information. Applying to participate in the showcase is optional for all teams.
Showcase: During the poster session, selected teams will have their posters judged by a panel of faculty and teaching assistants. Teams will be judged based on their poster design, communication skills, and quality of their projects. The top three RAD and top three HIR teams from these groups will then be invited to present their final presentations to a panel of faculty and TAs on Monday, 12/9, from 12:30 - 1:50 PM in Pfizer Auditorium. These teams will compete for the first place award, the Gunter Georgi Award, and second place award, the Nick Russo Award. These awards, named after the educators who established our course, celebrate excellence in design, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Recipients of the Nick Russo Award will receive $100 per team member. Recipients of the Gunter Georgi Award will receive $200 per team member and the opportunity to present their work to incoming first-year students at 2025 Convocation.
If you would like to be considered for the showcase, you must submit an application. The application requires:
Successful completion of Benchmark B
CAD renderings of your design in Fusion 360/Revit
A draft or copy of your Milestone 3 Presentation
Photos and/or videos of your project, if available
Responses to a series of short-answer questions in the application form linked below
To apply, please provide this information using this application form by Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Teams will receive confirmation from our team by Friday, November 24, 2024 at 5 PM ET.
Thank you, and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
Hi class!
I am waiting on confirmation from Darren regarding yesterday's lecture slides, but in the meantime, here the announcements for this week:
I have uploaded the lecture slides from last week to the website. They can be found under the "Lecture" tab.
Some of you have communicated ongoing issues regarding Benchmark B - again, we apologize for the inconvenience that the closing of OL caused. If you need any additional support, please reach out to your recitation instructors.
As you all assemble your physical prototypes for the SLDP, please check in with the OL TAs regarding resources available both in the OL and in the MakerSpace. Please remember that you are NOT to spend any of your own money on projects; if you are unsure of how to place an order for material, an OL TA can assist you.
Later this week, we will release the information for the SLDP showcase! This showcase, which will take place on Monday, 12/9 during lecture time, is an opportunity for SLDP teams to present their project pitches to a panel of faculty, TAs, and their peers in Pfizer Auditorium. Teams who win the best pitch for both HIR or RAD projects are eligible for cash prizes and will be presented an award during the 2025 New Student Orientation. I will provide more details during lecture on Monday, but if this is an opportunity that is of interest to you, let your recitation faculty know and they'll be happy to provide you with more information in the meantime!
Thanks and have a great week - hope you all did well on the calculus midterm!
Prof. Paredes
Hi all,
Sorry for the confusion around OL's hours. Today, OL will close at 8 PM (not 8:30 -- our TAs use this half hour to close and clean up for the next day, so please be mindful of this!).
Prof. Paredes
Hi all,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Open Lab is now closed for the rest of the evening and will reopen on Thursday, 10/31. Please refer to the schedule for operating hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, especially during Benchmark B week. If you have any concerns about your group's progress on the SLDP because of this, please reach out to your recitation instructors for assistance.
Prof. Paredes
Hi class!
I am waiting on confirmation from Jacob about sharing today's lecture slides, but in the meantime, here the announcements for this week:
This week, Benchmark B will be due at the end of your lab. Please review the manual write-up for your SLDP for more information. There will be no quiz - please be sure to sign in and out of lab so we have your attendance recorded for the day.
To accommodate students for benchmarking, Open Lab will be closed from 2-5pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday unless you have lab during that time. You can still visit Open Lab outside of these times.
We had a number of TAs share community events happening this week! Feel free to check them out here.
Thanks and have a great week - see you soon!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class!
You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab. Just one annoucement!
- This week, you will complete Lab 7: Intro to Digital Logic. Please review the manual write-up for the lab for more information. There will be a quiz - please come to lab having reviewed the manual to prepare for the exercise.
Thanks and have a great week - see you soon!
Prof. Paredes
Dear class,
I hope you had a restful fall break! Just a reminder that there is no lecture today. All students will receive attendance credit for this lecture.
Best of luck on midterms and milestones, and see you on 10/21!
- Prof. Paredes
Hi all!
Just as a reminder: the Open Lab will be operating on a modified schedule for this week due to Modelshop Session 2.
It will be closed from 2-5pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday unless you have lab during that time.
You can still visit Open Lab during the times listed on the calendar posted here: https://eg.poly.edu/syllabus.php
General Engineering Team
Hi class!
You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab.
A couple of other announcements:
This week, Benchmark A will be due at the end of your lab. Please review the manual write-up for your SLDP for more information. There will be no quiz - please be sure to sign in and out of lab so we have your attendance recorded for the day.
There will be no lecture next Monday, 10/14. Tuesday, 10/15 will operate on a Monday schedule.
Sections A and E: there will be no lab session next week. Instead, please coordinate with your lab groups to complete a makeup lab for Lab 6 by no later than Sunday, 10/20. I will send a separate e-mail out to your sections with instructions on how to schedule your makeup by end of day tomorrow.
Sections C and F: please consult your recitation faculty about how they would like to proceed with recitation next week. Depending on the instructor, you will be asked to submit your milestone presentations for asynchronous review or meet during our lecture time slot (12:30-1:50pm) to present your milestones. If you do not receive instructions about this in recitation this week, please reach out to me.
Sections D, B, and G: your schedule will not be impacted by the holiday.
Thanks and have a great week - best of luck on benchmarking!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class!
You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab.
A couple of other announcements:
EVERYONE: you must complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 10/04! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors.
This week, you will complete Lab 4: Boom Construction. Please review the manual write-up for your SLDP for more information. There will be a quiz - please come to lab having reviewed the manual to prepare for the exercise.
Thanks and have a great week - best of luck on Milestones and for those of you who have the calculus exam, your midterm tomorrow!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class,
Some of you have asked for clarification about Open Lab's schedule this week.
Open Lab is still available to you, just on an adjusted schedule during Model Shop weeks. You can still visit Open Lab during the times listed on the calendar posted here: https://eg.poly.edu/syllabus.php
Hope that helps!
- Prof. Paredes
Hi class!
You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab. Happy writing + slide-making! :)
A couple of other announcements:
Students in Groups E + F (Sections E1, 2, and 3, and F1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 9/27! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors.
This week, you wil complete Lab 3: Model Shop 1. Please review the manual write-up for your SLDP for more information. There is no quiz for Model Shop sessions - please be sure to tap in and out of Model Shop to receive attendance credit.
Thanks and have a great week!
Prof. Paredes
Hi all!
Open Lab will be closed during lab times between 9/24 and 9/27, unless you are scheduled to be in lab during that time. These changes are updated on the Open Lab Schedule on the EG website.
General Engineering Team
Hi class,
Please see below from the GLASS recruitment team. Thank you again for participating in their info session this week!
Prof. Paredes
Dear EG-UY1004 students,
It was great meeting all of you at the lecture today!
We hope you gained some insight into the GLASS Honors Program and what we provide for our students. If you would like to ask us more questions, network with our recruiters personally, win prizes at our Jeopardy game, and join us for pizza RSVP to our follow-up session here: https://forms.gle/bj5d13iYtnhwgcfb7
This session will be held this Wednesday, September 18th at 5 MetroTech in room LC 400 (4th floor of the building you have EG 1004 lecture in) from 6-7 PM.
Additionally, here is the link to the GLASS website, if you would like to prepare questions in advance and learn more about the program: https://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/undergraduate/glass
The GLASS Recruitment Team
Hi class!
You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab. Thank you all again for your patience while we navigated technical issues during today's class; I appreciated all of your cooperation!
A couple of other announcements:
Students in Groups C + D (Sections C1, 2, and 3, and D1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 9/20! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors.
This week, you wil complete Lab 2: CAD competition. Please review the manual write-up for Lab 2 for more information; recall at the start of each lab session, there will be a short quiz that you must complete gauging your preparedness for the session. These quizzes will contribute to your "Engagement" grade this semester.
If you are interested in opportunities with NYU Votes or Climate Week, please e-mail me at ijparedes@nyu.edu. I will send a separate announcement from the GLASS team shortly.
Thanks and have a great week!
Prof. Paredes
Hi class,
I'm excited to see you all shortly! :) To make lecture attendance run smoothly this afternoon and going forward, please see the following annoucements.
Lecture will begin at 12:40 PM every week, with a grace period of 10 minutes. After 12:50 PM, your attendance will not be counted towards the lecture; in the case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, please e-mail me (ijparedes@nyu.edu).
Please wait for TAs at the front entrance of Pfizer Auditorium so that they can scan your IDs for attendance.
- For attendance, you must use their physical NYU ID, not the Engage event pass to sign in. If you have forgotten your ID, please check in with a TA to provide your N#.
- Remove your ID out of any protective casing prior to scanning. We need clear access to the barcode on the back of your ID for attendance.
Thank you for your cooperation! See you soon,
Prof. Paredes
Hello all!
Just a reminder to fill out the RAD/HIR application using this form, due tonight at 11:59 pm. Prior to filling out the application you must attend an ideation session in Open Lab (JAB 573), which closes at 8:00 pm today.
General Engineering Team
Hello All,
Below is the application form for the RAD and HIR projects. Please only fill out the HIR/RAD application once you have formed your SLDP groups in recitation. The form is due by next Monday (09/16) 11:59PM EST.
All groups will need to visit the Open Lab (JAB 573) and meet with a TA for an ideation session. Open Lab times can be found on the EG website under the "Syllabus/Schedules" tab. Please contact your recitation TA if you have any questions!
To apply for RAD or HIR: Please fill out this form. If you need help finding inspiration for RAD project ideas, you can reference this document.
Good luck to everyone!
Hi class!
It was to meet you all today. You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab. A couple of other announcements:
Students in Groups A + B (Sections A1, 2, and 3, and B1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 9/13! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors.
This week, you will learn about and form groups for your SLDP. Please review the manual write-ups for Lab 1 for more information about your project options; your lab facilitators and recitation instructors will also provide information in class.
Thanks and have a great week! See you soon,
Prof. Paredes
Hello Everyone,
For staffing information for the course you may click on "Sections" found on the left menu portion of this webpage under the "Course Information" heading. Room numbers for recitations, labs, and lecture can also be found on this page. You may familiarize yourselves with all of the EG1004 TAs by clicking on "Teaching Assistants" and looking up your TAs by name. You may also search for your professors and writing professors by clicking on "Professors" or "Writing Professors".
You can view the syllabus and schedule from the the left menu portion of the webpage.
If you have any further questions regarding the course, assignments, staffing, or anything else you may direct them to gecentral@eg.poly.edu. Have a wonderful semester!
- The General Engineering Team