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Welcome to General Engineering 1004

Announcements re: Legislative Monday

Hi class,

I hope you have had a great week!

This is a reminder that university classes are cancelled on Monday, 2/17. Tuesday, 2/18 will run on a Monday schedule, but EG lecture is canceled. We will resume lecture on Monday, 2/24.

For students in Sections C1, C2, C3, F1, F2, and F3: We will not meet for recitation next week. You must still submit your presentations on Monday (02/17) at 11:59 PM. As you are not doing a live presentation, we ask that each team to submit a recorded presentation. You can utilize Microsoft PowerPoint to achieve this. Please find a guide on how to do this here. The website might not allow you to upload this due to the file size, so you may email this presentation to your recitation instructors (the engineering profesor, writing professor, and recitation TA). We will grade your submissions asynchronously. 

For students in Sections A1, A2, A3, E1, E2, and E3: We will not meet for lab at your scheduled time next week. You must instead schedule a makeup lab session with your SLDP teammates by Sunday, 2/23 by the closure of Open Lab. You will present your lab presentation the following week during recitation. Regardless of when you do your makeup lab, all presentations will still be due 11:59PM the night before your next recitation, and all Lab 4 reports will still be due on Monday (02/24) at 11:59PM. To schedule a makeup lab, please use our appointments calendar

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out.

Thank you and happy weekend,

- Prof. Paredes

EG Weekly Announcements

Hi class,

I hope you are wel! Here the announcements for this week:

  • Lecture 3 slides from Prof. Osborne and Dr. Frenkel can now be found under the "Lecture" tab of our website.

  • Students in Groups E + F (Sections E1, 2, and 3, and F1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 2/14! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors. If you have previously completed MakerSpace training, you do not need to complete it again this semester. We will retrieve your record from the MakerSpace team.

  • This week, you will complete Lab 3: Model Shop 1 in lab. Please review the manual write-up for the RAD workshop or the HIR workshop, depending on your SLDP assigned. There will be no quiz this week in lab.

  • I forgot to mention this in class this week, but next Monday, 2/17 is a holiday and there will be no lecture. The university will operate on a Monday schedule on Tuesday, 2/18; EG classes are canceled on this day as listed on the schedule. For students in A, E, C, and F, please look out for guidance later this week regarding lab and recitaion.

That's all for now! Have a great rest of the week.

Prof. Paredes

Inclement weather updates - EG-UY 1004

Hi class,

As you may know, the university sent out a campus advisory regarding this morning's storm conditions last night. The university remains open, but course operations are adjusted out of consideration for our students and instructors whose commutes are impacted by the storm conditions. Please see below.

  • Sections A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3: Please look out for separate communications from your recitation instructors regarding today's session, in case it has gone remote. 
  • Sections C1, C2, C3, F1, F2, and F3: Lab will remain on schedule for today, as we are unable to move these operations remotely. If you are unable to attend due to the storm conditions, please follow our typical process for makeup labs: login to the course website, fill out a makeup lab request, and inform the Office of Student Advocacy so we have the excused absence documented. Your recitation team will manage the request.
  • Open Lab is set to open and operate on schedule today.

In case you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.


Prof. Paredes

EG Weekly Announcements

Hi class,

I hope you are wel! Here the announcements for this week:

  • Lecture 2 slides can now be found under the "Lecture" tab of our website.

  • Students in Groups C + D (Sections C1, 2, and 3, and D1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday, 2/7! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors. If you have previously completed MakerSpace training, you do not need to complete it again this semester. We will retrive your record from the MakerSpace team.

  • This week, you will complete Lab 2: CAD Competition in lab. Please review the manual write-up for lab 2 for the lab, as there will be a quiz at the start of the session.

  • Finally, the SLDP application is due TONIGHT at 11:59 PM ET. Please see our previous announcement entitled "SLDP Application Instructions" for more information.

That's all for now! Have a great rest of the week.

Prof. Paredes

Reminder to RAD teams: sign up for an ideation session!

Hi class,

By this time, you should have formed SLDP teams in recitation. If you missed class for any reason, please reach out to me so that we can place you on a team.

For RAD teams: as a reminder, you must attend a project ideation session as part of your project. During this session, a TA will discuss preliminary project ideas with you and your team, to assist you with completing the project application. Please refer to the "SLDP Application Instructions" announcement below for more details.

To sign up for a project ideation session, please complete this Google Form with three preliminary ideas that you will workshop with a TA during the session. At the end of the Google Form will be a link to our appointment calendar.  As the project application is due on Tuesday, 2/4, I suggest that you and your teammates schedule an ideation session as soon as possible. We will be unable to open new slots after Tuesday, 2/4.

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out at any time.

Happy ideating! 

Prof. Paredes

SLDP Application Instructions

Hi class,

Below is all the information necessary for you to apply for the RAD and HIR projects. Please only fill out the HIR/RAD application once you have formed your SLDP groups in recitation. The application is due by Tuesday, February 4th 11:59pm EST.

Please follow the instrctions below carefully to make sure you fulfill all the requirements based on your preferred Semester Long Design Project (SLDP):

  • Rapid Assembly & Design (RAD): 

  1. Brainstorm with your group members and have 3 preliminary ideas of projects that you would like to work on. Check out this document to help you through the brainstorming process, and also look through the RAD page on the manual for more inspiration.

  2. Fill out this form as a group ASAP with the 3 preliminary ideas you came up with. At the end you will be given a link to book a time slot that works for all or most group members to visit the Open Lab. 

  3. Visit the Open Lab during your assigned time slot to ideate with the Teaching Assistants (TAs) that will provide you guidance and feedback. If you do not go to Open Lab and talk to TAs through your ideas, you will not be eligible to do RAD as your SLDP. Ideation sessions start January 28th and end February 4th, make sure to book a slot to guarantee you a spot.

  4. Fill out the SLDP application form after attending an Ideation Session in Open Lab. Only one application per group will be accepted, make sure you fill out the application as a

  • Housing & Innovation in Revit (HIR): You do not need to visit the Open Lab for ideation, go straight to filling out the SLDP application. Only one application per group will be accepted, make sure you fill out the application as a team.

Please feel free to email with any questions. 

Good luck to everyone!


Lecture 1 Slides Uploaded + Weekly Announcements

Hi class!

It was to meet you all today. You can now find today's slides uploaded under the "Lecture" tab. A couple of other announcements:

  • Students in Groups A + B (Sections A1, 2, and 3, and B1, 2 and 3), complete your MakerSpace training on or before Friday,1/31! If you are unable to schedule a training by this deadline, please schedule one at your earliest convenience and inform your recitation instructors. If you have previously completed MakerSpace training, you do not need to complete it again this semester. We will retrive your record from the MakerSpace team.

  • This week, you will learn about and form groups for your SLDP. Please review the manual write-ups for Lab 1 for more information about your project options; your lab facilitators and recitation instructors will also provide information in class this week. I will send a separate announcement regarding the SLDP application process.

Thanks and have a great week! See you soon,

Prof. Paredes

Welcome Students!

Hello Everyone,

For staffing information for the course you may click on "Sections" found on the left menu portion of this webpage under the "Course Information" heading. Room numbers for recitations, labs, and lecture can also be found on this page. You may familiarize yourselves with all of the EG1004 TAs by clicking on "Teaching Assistants" and looking up your TAs by name. You may also search for your professors and writing consultants by clicking on "Professors" or "Writing Consultants".

You can view the syllabus and schedule from the the left menu portion of the webpage.

If you have any further questions regarding the course, assignments, staffing, or anything else you may direct them to Have a wonderful semester!

- General Engineering Team