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Welcome to General Engineering 1004

Microsoft 365 Licensing Changes

Hello all,

NYU recently announced that Microsoft is changing the way its Office software is accessed as of Aug 1. Effective Aug 1, the free Microsoft 365 desktop applications for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will no longer function and Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will become web-only. This is the same version our students are directed to install at the beginning of the semester.

Whether you installed this version or not, you may visit the Tandon IT Help Desk to install Microsoft Office 2021 as a desktop application on Windows or Mac laptops. The desktop versions of Microsoft Office are far superior to the web versions, so we recommend you take this step.

Additionally, if you have a Windows laptop, you may also ask them to install Microsoft Project.

The Tandon IT Help Desk is located in 2 MetroTech Center, 10th Floor, Room 1023. Their hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. If you are having trouble locating the IT Help Desk, please contact them at

Writing Center Availability

Hello all,

Precollege students looking to book an appointment with a writing consultant at the Writing Center must use, rather than and book with a consultant who has the PRECOLLEGE ONLY label.

NYU students and other visiting students who were not admitted through the Precollege program may use either the Tandon Writing Center at or the Washington Square Writing Center at Both Writing Centers will be able to help with your writing, but the consultants at the Tandon Writing Center are more familiar with our particular style.

RAD and HIR application

Hello All,

Below is the application form for the RAD and HIR projects. Please only fill out the HIR/RAD application once you have formed your SLDP groups in recitation. The form is due by Monday (07/15) 11:59PM EST.

If you are applying for RAD, your group will need to attend Open Lab and meet with a TA for a RAD ideation session. If you are first applying for HIR, but RAD is your second choice, you are highly encouraged to attend an ideation session! Open Lab times can be found on the EG website. Please contact your recitation TA if you have any questions!

To apply for RAD or HIR: Please fill out this form. If you need help finding inspiration for RAD project ideas, you can reference this document.

Good luck to everyone!

Welcome Students!

Hello Everyone,

For staffing information for the course you may click on "Sections" found on the left menu portion of this webpage under the "Course Information" heading. Room numbers for recitations, labs, and lecture can also be found on this page. You may familiarize yourselves with all of the EG1004 TAs by clicking on "Teaching Assistants" and looking up your TAs by name. You may also search for your professors and writing professors by clicking on "Professors" or "Writing Professors".

You can view the syllabus and schedule from the the left menu portion of the webpage.

If you have any further questions regarding the course, assignments, staffing, or anything else you may direct them to Have a wonderful semester!

- The General Engineering Team